Sunday, October 17

Every Kiss is a Promise

Definitions thanks to dictionary. reference .com

We make promises every day.
But what is a promise?
What does it mean?
A promise is a declaration
that something will or will not be done,
an express assurance
on which expectation is to be based,
an indication of what is to be expected.

A promise isn't something
you should give away lightly.
Promises bring responsibility and
presumptions about how one should act.
Promises put a person under pressure
to follow through.
What good are they if taken lightly,
if no stock is put into them?

Couldn't the world descend
into darkness and anarchy
if promises are not successfully made and kept?
If promises are broken here and there
they begin to lose their value,
lose their worth.
Each promise should have
a purpose and have value.

Every kiss is a promise.

Remember that.

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