Sunday, October 17

Every Kiss is a Promise

Definitions thanks to dictionary. reference .com

We make promises every day.
But what is a promise?
What does it mean?
A promise is a declaration
that something will or will not be done,
an express assurance
on which expectation is to be based,
an indication of what is to be expected.

A promise isn't something
you should give away lightly.
Promises bring responsibility and
presumptions about how one should act.
Promises put a person under pressure
to follow through.
What good are they if taken lightly,
if no stock is put into them?

Couldn't the world descend
into darkness and anarchy
if promises are not successfully made and kept?
If promises are broken here and there
they begin to lose their value,
lose their worth.
Each promise should have
a purpose and have value.

Every kiss is a promise.

Remember that.

On the topic of food...

This is a free verse poem I wrote in my creative writing class about pizza. My mom told me to post it. Enjoy:
Pizza has many personalities
Cheese doesn’t like change.
Pepperoni follows tradition.
Hawaiian likes to try new things
but isn’t always brave enough.
And then you have the obscure toppings
like peppers and jalapeños and mushrooms
and sardines and onions and meats
who aren’t afraid
of a little flavor or risk.
Those are my favorite people,
the people who aren’t afraid
to be themselves
and aren’t afraid of being rejected
for what they put on their pizza.

The Thing About Cheesesticks.

    I think that cheesesticks have some magical power over the brain, like chicken noodle soup for sick people or chocolate for depressed people.
     For starters, I don't start chomping away at the thing like a hobo on a chicken leg, I peel it piece by piece like a normal person. This gives me time to contemplate things and clear my head. Peeling the right size of petal takes a certain sort of concentration. I bet all of the great minds of today eat cheese when they get lost. It's also great because it's almost tasteless when you're eating it string by string so you don't have to worry about it clashing with your newly applied toothpaste or something else you just ate.
   Every time I lose my train of thought or I'm not sure what I should be doing or maybe I'm not hungry but I feel like snacking, I go for a cheesestick. And now we all know that when SJ is eating cheese, some really deep thinking is going on.