Monday, July 18

Boy Character Stereotypes

An excerpt from my fictionpress account that makes me laugh every time I read through it. Enjoy.

-The brother. Alternates from annoying to protective and can be split across several boy characters. Can be varied in many ways.
-The neighbor. Loquacious, but only about unimportant things at inconvenient times. Constant habit of "dropping in" on you to borrow, return, or check up on noises.
-The new guy. Doesn't fit it. Nice and smart, sits next to you in that AP class. Then he tries to win your affection showing off trying to go against the tide and it's like that "Stick to the Status Quo" song from High School Musical 1.
-The boyfriend. Such a sweetheart when he's with you but jerkish tendencies when with friends. Will probably cheat on you and then apologize and blame said friends.
-The Jake Ryan. No, not from Hannah Montana. Michael Schoeffling from Sixteen Candles who shows up at your sister's wedding.
-The best friend. Fun. Odd and overbearing. Romantic. There's your plotline, in that order.
-The creeper. That one guy no one likes ends up saving your life and you discover that side of him no one saw in junior high. Too bad you and the other weirdos are the only ones who see it.
-The jock. An all-around jerk and bully, though usually incredibly attractive and from a broken home of some sort.
-The jealous one. A mix of the best friend and the neighbor. Always upset at the other boys of the world who recieve more attention from you.
-The socially awkward kid. Adorable, but silent.
-The terrors. Little boys. Enough said.
-The foreigner. Suave. Sexy. Taking advantage of you.
-The old man. Hitting on you and yes, it is the creepiest thing you've ever seen.
-The bartender. Always pops in when you need advice.
-The kid on the skateboard. This genius trips into the scene and ruins the situation, before righting himself and disappearing stage left.
-The father. Can be either caring, uninterested, bossy, or weird. Or a combination of two.
-The boyfriend's best friend. One word: douchecanoe. He's jealous that you're taking his friend and teases incessantly.
-The brother's best friend. The classic cliché and everyone's favorite, he's half your friend and half your brother. He's the perfect balance of sweet and joking without teasing too much or getting boring. Basically, he's just perfect.

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